Kamis, 24 November 2011

soal bahasa inggris lagi,,,,

If you do lot of business traveling,sooner of later you will need ground transportation.for trips are too short for a rental car service.such services are often called limousine services.they operate in large cities and in small ones.and even in rural areas where there are few airports of major transportation centers.
1.Why would want to hire a car service?
a.your car breaks down
b.you can’t take a taxi or rental car
c.it’s less expensive
d.you are in a large  city
2.what is another name for a rental car service
a.ground transportation service
b.taxicab service
c.limousin service
d.airport service
3.according to this notice.who should hire a car service
a.people whose flights are late
b.people whose flights are early
c.people on leisure trips
d. people on business trips

Rabu, 09 November 2011

Explanation Text Example

How Chocolate is Made

Have we wondered how we get chocolate from? Well this time we will enter the amazing world of chocolate so we can understand exactly we are eating.

Chocolate starts a tree called cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions, especially in place such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit about the size of a small pine apple. In side the fruits are the tree's seeds. They are also known as coco beans.

Next, the beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun. After that they are shipped to the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavour. Different beans from different places have different qualities and flavour. So they are often shorted and blended to produce a distinctive mix.

The next process is winnowing. The roasted beans are winnowed to remove the meat nib of the cacao bean from its shell. Then the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter.

All seeds contain some amount of fat and cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans are half fat, which is why the ground nibs from liquid. It is pure bitter chocolate.

Rabu, 02 November 2011

jenis-jenis teks bahasa inggris "bagian 2"

Tujuan teks report adalah mendeskripsikan/ melaporkan sesuatu apa adanya. Teks ini merupakan hasil pengamatan, penelitian tentang fenomena alam, sosial dan budaya (natural or non natural).
Struktur teks report terdiri atas general classification (pernyataan umum meliputi subjek laporan dan klasifikasinya) dan description (deskripsi yang meliputi qualities, parts and their functions, habits/behaviors, dan uses (kegunaan) apabila subjeknya non natural (tidak hidup)).
Ciri-ciri teks report antara lain: menerangkan general nouns sebagai subjeknya. Misalnya birds, komodoes, orchids menggunakan simple present tense (jika belum punah), tidak perlu time sequence words / tidak perlu urut, menggunakan relating verbs (is, are, has, have), dan menggunakan istilah teknis khusus, misalnya tree (pohon): stem, root, branch.
Have you seen girrafes? Well, girrafes are the tallest animals. They belong to mammals since they bear their babies. They also belong to herbivores. It is because they feed on green plants. The special characteristuc of them is that they have long necks and horns.
Tujuan teks procedure adalah member petunjuk cara melakukan sesuatu melalui serangkaian tindakan atau langkah.
Struktut teks Procedure:
1. Title /Goal = Judul / Tujuan Kegiatan
2. Clasification/ Definition (optional), Keterangan tentang subject laporan
dan klasifikasinya ( Bisa ada, bisa tidak)
  1. List Of Materials ( Daftar Bahan-Bahan)
  2. Steps, Langkah-l;angkah kerja /kegiatan
Teks procedure adalah teks yang menyampaikan tentang tata cara melakukan sesuatu. Cara penulisannya pada umumnya dalam bentuk poin per poin.
Struktur dari teks procedure, yaitu:

jnis-jenis teks bahasa inggris "bagian 1"

Tujuan teks narratives adalah menghibur pendengar dengan cerita atau dongeng. Biasanya teks ini mengandung pesan moral.
Struktur teks narrative terdiri atas orientation (pengenalan tokoh,waktu dan tempat kejadian), complication (masalah dimana karakter utama terlibat) dan resolution (akhir cerita yang berisi solusi masalah).
Teks narrative dapat ditemukan pada folktales, fable, legend, myth, science fiction atau historical fiction. Ciri-ciri teks narrative:
1. Menggunakan nouns tertentu dan noun phrase.
2. Menggunakan connective, time conjuction dan adverbs of time.
3. Menggunakan saying verbs (said,told) dan thinking verbs, feeling verbs, verbs of senses (she` was very tired and hungry).
4. Menggunakan simple past tense.
Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer living with his wife. One day, he went to the nest of his goose to look for an egg. Suddenly, he was surprised, it was because he found a golden egg. It was weird. Then, he took it and hurried home to show his wife. Every day after that, his `goose laid a golden egg. The farmer and his wife were very happy and soon became a rich `family. However, the farmer became greedy. One day, he thought that if he killed the goose, he `would find all of its treasure at once. So, he killed the goose and cut it open. Inside of the goose, `he found nothing. Poor he!
Tujuan teks recount yaitu untuk menceritakan /melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian, pengalaman atau kegiatan yang terjadi di masa lalu, contohnya liburan ke suatu tempat.
Struktur teks recount terdiri atas orientation (siapa yang terlibat dalam peristiwa; kapan dan dimana peristiwa itu terjadi) dan events (urutan kejadian). Kadang terdapat reorientation yang berisi kesimpulan dari peristiwa tersebut.
Ciri-ciri teks recount:
1. Menggunakan simple past tense.
2. Menggunakan temporal connectives untuk mengurutkan peristiwa.
3. Menggunakan pelaku individu atau grup, misalnya I atau we.
I experienced an interesting holiday. My parents and I visited grandma's house at a small village. I was very happy because I missed her so much. My interesting experience began when I had to take a bath. You know what happened? My grandma only had a well and opened bathroom. I didn't want to take a bath there, but my parents forced me. Oh, I felt ashamed. Next, guess what? There was no restroom and I, really, needed to go there. But my grandma asked me to go to the river behind our home. That's my embarrasing experience.Well, because of that I asked my father to make a bathroom and restroom inside of my grandma's house.
Teks news item bertujuan untuk memberitahukan informasi kepada pembaca tentang peristiwa yang dianggap penting atau layak dijadikan berita.
Struktur teks news item terdiri atas newsworthy events (menceritakan kejadian pada intinya), background events (berisi latar belakang peristiwa, meliputi uraian kejadian secara terperinci, siapa yang terlibat, tempat, waktu dan lain-lain), dan source (berisi sumber informasi /komentar dari saksi, orang yang terlibat atau pendapat ahli dalam bidangnya).
Ciri-ciri teks news item:
1. Menggunakan judul, headline yang menuangkan informasi singkat.
2. Menggunakan action verbs (admitted, abused).
3. Menggunakan saying verbs (said).
4. Menggunakan kalimat pasif /passive voice (A supervisor was jailed).
Good morning, listeners. I'm Linda and you're listening to Headline News in Sky FM. The newsworthy event comes from our country.
Five scuba divers from Britain, France, and Sweden have been missing for more than three days in sea. Two British women, a British man and a French disappeared on Thursday in the treacherous waters of Komodo National Park in Nusa Tenggara islands, east of Bali. Police said that a rescue team from Indonesian Police and Navy had conducted a search, but there had been no result so far. We're waiting for the next news. Okay, listeners, that's the news for today.

Selasa, 01 November 2011

soal bahasa inggris

contoh soal bahasa inggris:
1. Man : Why do you look so pale and weak ?
Women : I have a painful stomachache
Man : You should go to the doctor. Let i’ll a company you
What does the man express ? the man express
a. Advice
b. Agreement
c. Satisfaction
d. Disagreement
e. Dissatisfaction
2. The phrases below are expressing opinion, except
a. In my opinion you must join the class
b. Ass I see it, the problem is quiet difficult
c. Personally. I think that you need more practice
d. I’m sorry to hear that
e. To my mind, it would be better to revise the draft.
3. sisca : boy, I still love you with all my heart
boy : ……..
the appropriate response of refusing for love expression is,….
a. sorry
b. Don’t love me
c. Do I love you?
d. sory, I can’t accept your feeling
e. No problem
4. Michael :……………. Jane
Jane : I love you too
a. I miss you
b. I need you
c. I will always do
d. I hate you
e. I love you very much
5. X : What happen to you? I know how you feel, but please don’t cry
Y : ( Crying )
We can conclude that the second speaker is…….
a. Embarrased
b. Sad
c. Angry
d. Tired
e. Excited